The Last Roomies! Story Ever, Promise: Page 4
on December 20, 2021 at 1:01 amBILLIE WILL CRY WHEN SHE’S DONE FUCKING. Wait. Ruth was done fucking and she cried. BILLIE WILL CRY NEVER. FEELINGS ARE DUMB.
Skipping ahead to Joyce, when this sequence of flashbacks feels more and more like one of those Scrubs musical montages that wraps things up super neatly! And I’ve written all these stories already and so I can write things like “I WANT TO ERASE EVERYTHING” and it’s super meaningful because Joyce DID erase things, later! See what I did there? I hope you did! If you didn’t, this whole thing was pointless. must….lampshade…harder…
Anyway, hey, Joyce cuts her hair short later into momhood, apparently. She’s trying to pull a Dorothy. Does it work? You be the judge.
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