Superbook, the anime created by TBN to convert those heathen Japanese folks to Christ, would often try to marry conventional moral lessons with Old Testament stories.  They had varied success, but sometimes you’d get a jarring disconnect between the Old Testament story presented and the moral affixed to it.  For example, there’s the story of Joseph in Egypt being reunited with his brothers.  This story culminates in the bitter Joseph tricking and extorting a confession and apologies out of his estranged brothers through subterfuge, framing and imprisonment of his youngest brother, and blackmail.  These deeds were presented positively.  Bizarrely, Superbook claimed this was a story about forgiveness, despite it clearly being a tale of revenge.

This strip is basically the same.  Sal told a story where this Danny fellow got what he wanted by passively waiting around long enough for his crush to make a move herself, but somehow framed it as the opposite.