Hrn, is “flankman” the guy’s name or just his job description? Anyway, this is probably the end of Walky! G’bye, Walky! It’s been a fun strip. I bet it’ll be retitled “It’s Joyce!” now.
Hrn, is “flankman” the guy’s name or just his job description? Anyway, this is probably the end of Walky! G’bye, Walky! It’s been a fun strip. I bet it’ll be retitled “It’s Joyce!” now.
Jason and Sal definitely seem to be at cross purposes here. Sal’s all “GROW UP” and Jason’s all “DON’T GROW UP” and I feel like they should have had a better game plan.
i really feel like walky should have been just very recently disqualified from being in charge like, maybe the “guess what, you have to step up into the roll now for real” moment has kind of passed
I see that first line, and I can only think of my favorite Bible verse — Acts 10:13. “Get up, Peter. Kill. Eat.” Maybe not the best advice right now for Walky, whose hands are already stained with bl– oh goddammit […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Walky tries to swear, but fails. Sal also tries to swear, and… well, she technically fails, too, but only in a meta sense. It’s Walky!: Where we refuse to say “fuck” but we’ll definitely punch all the blood out of […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Whoof, that was a girls-getting-hurt-resulting-in-making-boy-protagonist-feel-things twofer! Both Joyce and Dina! Right in a row! Just rippin’ off that Band-Aid. Walky’s rage isn’t a part of his Dumbiverse incarnation. In case you haven’t noticed, rage is a pretty common problem in […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yep, here’s a new epilogue to the previous iteration of this flashback. I can see why Head Alien didn’t play the tape that far. It was probably not a great moment for him! Alan will be okay.
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